Thursday, 2 February 2012

The Start Of Something New


Right now, in this very moment in time, how is your mindset? I have to say mine hasn't been all that fantastic these past few weeks and I guess the aim of this blog is to perhaps inspire some people with some good thought, hopefully myself included. I'm not gonna be preaching to you guys I just want to try and express my train of thought in certain situations in my life and give you some of my experience I've had in my lifetime however small it may be anyone can benefit from it.
         I'll start by just giving you a little background info on me at the moment and my life where I've been and what I've been up to. Ok, so I'm twenty one, actually twenty two in four days time, I have no job at the moment and no money, I am a musician and I don't like being told what to do and how to live my life! I like to see things for myself, discover and learn for myself my own truth about things. I love to read. I live at home with my parents and my sister... I am not a fan of this.  I would say I'm a rather creative person, I love poetry, music of-coarse and my mindset, my specific mindset and the way I think is what I love most about myself. It makes the impossible possible and gives me hope and freedom.

        I don't want to go on about things that have happened in the past I want to keep this text purely in "now" format so without further a-do I shall describe to you my day.

         Ok so let me think, i woke up at maybe 2pm after a ridiculously long day in London at an interview for a marketing company the day before. Just to give you an idea how ridiculous it was, the proposition was that they would have us work going door to door selling insulation from 10 in the morning until 8 in the evening Monday to Saturday with only 10 pounds per customer that you manage to sell to commission only, no basic salary, so on a bad week with no customers you'd end up spending nearly £60 just getting there and back! I am pleased to say however it was a very competitive interviewing regime, over 100 people applied 40 or so were called back for a second interview and only 10 were called for a final interview of which I was one of the 2 people chosen for the job! I felt rather pleased with myself after I left the building and reminded myself of "The Pursuit of Happiness" when the character gets the job that he's trained and worked so hard for finally his hard work paid off. I would like to have thought that's what would have happened to me but I doubt it very much given their proposition. The rest of the day was rather unproductive, I left my house soon after I woke up to go and see my girlfriend Jennifer. We walked into town and bought some things for her mum and walked back to her house. Here's the problem I have, I live at home with my parents, and my girlfriend isn't aloud in the house. Also I am not aloud in my girlfriends house. So we sit outside most days having a chat and a cigarette ( yes a also smoke, deal with it. ) and freezing our butts off cause we have no where else to go! what exactly do you do at a time like this...
           I'm just going to make a sandwich and grab a tea be back in a second... anyone want anything? feel free to grab something while your waiting...

Ahhh thats better, ok where was I ... yes we have nowhere to go. I don't know if you've noticed but its freezing cold outside this time of year, it was -5 the other night, but still I walked from my house down the alley in the dark about 12am to see her.

We've been talking a lot and we're wondering what we can do, she's pretty much the same as me when it comes to jobs I can't seem to stay motivated and enthused about something i couldn't care less for... it just feels like I'm lying to myself, but I don't want you to think I am a lazy person i have a perfectly good reason or reasons for not wanting to be an employee which i shall explain later on.

.... hang on how long is a blog supposed to be? have I overshot it? Ok so "day one" I haven't really explained to you everything about myself so you have a good idea about my situation but you know I have a problem and my aim is to fix it as soon as possible! I will try to write everyday even if its only short i'll do my best and let you know a bit more about myself instead of posting up a massive chapter on "My Life and Troubles" leave a comment if you like would be interesting to know what people think. Well my good people, I'm off to bed as its ten past three in the morning, I shall write some more tomorrow.

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